Planting trees creates benefits so much for local communities as much as for Global phenomena like climate change, however, for the trees to have beneficial impact on the local communities be it agroforestry in Spain and France, or reforestation in the tropics and Africa, three conditions need to be met:
Firstly, the plantation should consist from a variety of trees, those trees provide shelter, food, and shade for the local biome to thrive, as well as to provide substantial hunting and gathering for the local population. It is very common for businesses which use palm oil and logging companies to green wash the customers by reforestation of only one species that is deemed necessary for their production, this reforestation practice creates the so called “Green desserts” where no birds insects or animals survive due to the nature of the monoculture which is unable to provide substantial variety for food, shelter and shade. Because of this risk, Megaplast chooses to partner with companies which understand the importance of Biodiversity and polyculture.
Secondly, the plantation should constist from local species, for when European species are planted in tropical areas, the greedier European plants become invasive, depleting the water sources which leads to a reduction of animal population and worsen life standards for local populations. When a European species invades the tropical forests the notice of the environmental impact is obvious, however in cases where European species have been planted in the tropics, have been counter measured by planting local species and slowly but surely the drought becomes a stream the stream becomes a river and the river bring back life to the area. Because of this risk, Megaplast chooses to partner with companies which understand the importance of planting native species.
Finally, the local community should be engaged, economically benefit from the forest and their life standards should increase, for the forest and their agroforestry land the local communities own to not be sold to local logging companies, the economic benefit and the increase of the life standards through the provision of food, and improved water quality, and better farming conditions and yields, the community becomes engaged not to only in taking care of the sapling, planting and watering the tree but also maintaining the forest and safeguarding it. When communities are not engaged the project risks to be short lived and sporadic. Because of this risk, Megaplast chooses to partner with companies which understand the importance of community engagement.
The main companies we partner with for tree planting, are Tree-nation, We-forest and Ecosia See this video for best information: